Law Offices of Tedone and Morton, P.C.

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Plainfield Office


Three Signs Spousal Support is Appropriate in an Illinois Divorce

 Posted on May 22, 2024 in Alimony

Joliet Family Law AttorneyDivorce is often a challenging process because of the financial and emotional considerations involved. This is especially true in cases where spousal support (also known as maintenance or alimony) is concerned. If you are getting a divorce and have questions regarding whether spousal support for either you or your soon-to-be ex-spouse is appropriate, discuss these questions with a qualified attorney

Here is When Spousal Support May Be Appropriate

Spousal support is not a guaranteed part of every Illinois divorce. However, here are scenarios where spousal support may be necessary:

  • The stay-at-home parent or homemaker – One of the most compelling reasons for spousal support occurs when one spouse has dedicated most of his or her marriage to being a stay-at-home parent or homemaker. This role often means sacrificing career development and earning potential to manage the household and children. As a result, the stay-at-home spouse may find it hard to become self-supporting after the divorce. Illinois courts recognize that playing this role can significantly impair one's ability to secure employment and achieve financial independence. Spousal support in such cases is meant to bridge the gap, providing financial assistance while the dependent spouse re-enters the workforce or gains new skills. 

  • Financial support for education and job training – A temporary but crucial need for spousal support often arises if one spouse requires financial assistance to further his or her education or job training. This often applies to situations where the spouse has either minimal or outdated qualifications that do not meet the current job market demands. In these cases, spousal support can provide vital financial stability while the person seeks to further his or her education or pursue specialized training. The court will consider whether the spouse seeking support needs a certain period of time to obtain the necessary credentials and find employment potentially suitable to them.

  • Financial stability for the primary caregiver – Another scenario where spousal support is appropriate is when the divorcing couple mutually decides whether the child's primary caregiver should remain in the marital home or continue to act as a stay-at-home parent. This arrangement often ensures much-needed stability for the children since it helps to maintain the children's home environment, which they have become accustomed to.

Contact Our Joliet, IL Spousal Support Attorney

Whether you are the spouse seeking support or the spouse who may need to pay spousal support, hiring an attorney is the single most effective way to ensure your rights are protected during your case. For guidance you can trust and knowledge you can depend on, call the respected Plainfield, IL spousal support lawyers with Law Offices of Tedone and Morton, P.C.. Call 815-666-1285 for a free consultation today.

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