Law Offices of Tedone and Morton, P.C.

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Drone Photography: A Growing Trend in Real Estate

 Posted on April 27, 2016 in Real Estate

drone, Will County real estate lawyersNot all that long ago, if a prospective home buyer wanted to get a feel for a listed property, his or her only options were to schedule an appointment or attend an open house. In short, the buyer needed to physically visit the home. Over the last several decades, improvements in the convenience of photography and digital technology have made it easier for people to visit properties online before deciding to see the home in person. Today, many real estate companies have taken the next step in marketing available homes, utilizing the power of flying drones equipped with high-definition video cameras.

The Rise of the Drones

Unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs), also known as drones, have been part of the United States military inventory for decades. They were initially used primarily for reconnaissance and observation, able to infiltrate more dangerous locales without placing a pilot and crew at risk. While military drones have evolved to take on attack capabilities, much smaller, cheaper variations of drones have become readily available for recreational purposes, including aerial photography.

In 2015, the Federal Aviation Administration began issuing permits for real estate companies to use drones to create marketing videos for their properties. Since then, dozens of agencies around the country have started utilizing the available technology to develop creative listings for available homes, particularly those with substantial value.

Why Drone Photography?

Prior to the advent of drone photography, aerial images of a listed home were only possibly from a helicopter, which obviously incurred great expense. Close-up aerial video was simply not possible. Today, all that has changed. Not only can a drone highlight the features and landscapes of a particular home, but they can also be used to show prospective buyers:

  • The home's neighborhood, and proximity to local attractions;
  • Suggested routes to work or school;
  • Nearby amenities, parks, waterways, and green spaces;
  • Underway and proposed local improvement efforts; and
  • Detailed surveys and property maps.

It is important to realize that not just anyone can fly a drone and take pictures or video of a property for commercial use. The FAA requires registration and specific certification depending upon the size and weight of the drone. As with most areas of the law that deal with new technology, these regulations are constantly being updated so if you are interested in using a drone to help sell your home, you should first seek legal guidance.

We Can Help

To learn more about buying or selling a home, contact an experienced real estate attorney in Will County. We have the knowledge and skill to assist you throughout the process, ensuring your rights and best interests are fully protected along the way. Schedule your free initial consultation at the Law Offices of Tedone and Morton, P.C., today.


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