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When May the Court Restrict My Visitation Rights to My Child?

 Posted on December 08, 2023 in Divorce

Joliet Child Visitation AttorneyIn Illinoisvisitation rights are crucial for maintaining a healthy parent-child relationship. However, there are instances where the court may restrict or limit these rights. If you are going through a divorce and have concerns regarding what the divorce will mean for the contact between you and your child, contact an experienced lawyer to get the legal assistance you deserve.

Understanding Visitation Rights in Illinois

Visitation rights, also known as parenting time, refer to the time a noncustodial parent spends with their child after divorce. In Illinois, the court encourages both parents to maintain a meaningful relationship with their child unless it is deemed detrimental to the child’s well-being. However, there are situations where visitation rights may be restricted to ensure the child’s safety and best interests.

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Is Gender Considered in Illinois Custody Cases?

 Posted on November 21, 2023 in Family Law

Will County Divorce LawyerMany stereotypes exist when it comes to child custody. It is most important to understand that Illinois law prioritizes the child’s best interests above all else in custody situations. However, many people wonder if gender plays a role in determining custody and if there is a preference for either the mother or father. If you are going through a divorce and have concerns regarding child custody, contact a lawyer in Illinois to obtain the legal representation you need as you work through the consequential divorce and custody process. 

No Preference Based on Gender

Illinois law explicitly prohibits any preference based on gender when determining custody. The courts are required to consider each case on its merits, without any presumption that one parent is more suitable based on their gender. This approach aims to eliminate any gender bias and ensure that custody decisions are fair and unbiased. 

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Changes in Income and Post-Divorce Modifications

 Posted on November 03, 2023 in Divorce

Plainfield, IL post-divorce modification attorneyThe financial circumstances of both parties influence divorce settlements at the time of divorce. However, life is often unpredictable, and changes in income can occur post-divorce. In such situations, post-divorce modifications may become necessary to correspond with the shift in financial status, potentially affecting issues such as spousal support, child support, and other financial obligations. If you believe post-divorce modifications may be relevant to your situation, do not hesitate to contact a divorce lawyer. They will examine your situation and advise you on the most advisable course of action at this time. 

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Minimizing Risk When Splitting Debt in an Illinois Divorce 

 Posted on October 24, 2023 in Divorce

Joliet Family Law AttorneyDivorce proceedings often involve the division of assets and liabilities, including debt. Splitting debt can be a complex and delicate process that requires careful consideration to minimize financial risk for both parties involved. If you are concerned with how the splitting of debt may affect your divorce proceedings, contact a lawyer to secure the legal representation you need to ensure any debt relevant to the divorce proceedings will be split in a way that is favorable to you and your situation. 

Identify and Understand the Debts

After hiring your attorney, the first essential step to minimizing risk is identifying and categorizing all debts accurately. This includes mortgages, credit card debt, student loans, and other liabilities. Gathering documentation and creating an inventory of debts will help ensure transparency of debts and prevent any surprises later in the process. Additionally, understanding the terms, interest rates, and responsibilities associated with each debt is crucial for making informed negotiation decisions. 

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What Will Happen to My 401(k) in My Illinois Divorce?

 Posted on October 04, 2023 in Divorce

Plainfield Divorce LawyerWhen people are preparing for a divorce, they are often concerned with how it will affect them financially. Like so many Illinois residents, if you have a 401(k) retirement account, you are likely wondering what will happen to it as a result of your divorce. It is essential at this time to hire an experienced lawyer to guide you through the process of your divorce, as this will help ensure you have professional legal guidance throughout each step of your divorce, including as you work through important financial issues, such as the future of your 401(k) retirement account.

Illinois is an Equitable Distribution State

At the heart of Illinois divorce is the standard of equitable distribution. This seeks to ensure that when property is divided, it is done in a way that is fair. This brings us to the next important crossroads in Illinois divorce: marital vs. non-marital property.

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Signs You Are Divorcing a Narcissist 

 Posted on September 28, 2023 in Divorce

Plainfield Family Law AttorneyDivorcing a narcissist can be an incredibly challenging and emotionally draining process. It is important to recognize the signs that you are divorcing a narcissist to navigate the complexities of the situation better and protect yourself. While only a professional can diagnose narcissistic personality disorder, there are important signs to look out for, which can serve as a warning that your spouse is a narcissist. Regardless of whether your spouse has a narcissistic personality, contact a lawyer to obtain the legal protection you need moving forward in your divorce.

Look for These Important Signs

One significant sign is the narcissists’ refusal to accept accountability or take responsibility for their actions. They may deflect blame onto you or others, making it challenging to have productive discussions or reach mutually beneficial agreements. They may also manipulate the narrative to portray themselves as a target, seeking sympathy and support. Another sign is their need for control and power. Narcissists often feel threatened by losing control, especially in a divorce situation. They may use various tactics to maintain control, such as withholding information, making one-sided decisions, or attempting to manipulate the legal process. 

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What Cannot Be Included in a Prenuptial Agreement? 

 Posted on September 13, 2023 in Family Law

Joliet Divorce LawyerPrenuptial agreements (prenup) are legal documents that couples enter into before marriage to establish property and financial rights in the event of divorce or death. While these agreements provide flexibility and protection, certain provisions are not enforceable. If you are getting married and are interested in signing a prenup, it is crucial to understand what cannot be included in the agreement to ensure its validity and fairness. If you are interested in creating a prenup, contact an Illinois lawyer to help begin the process of crafting the agreement in a legally binding manner. 

What is Prohibited from Prenups?

Here is what you cannot include in a prenup:

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How Do You Determine Paternity in Illinois?

 Posted on August 18, 2023 in Family Law

Joliet, IL paternity lawyerDetermining paternity is an important legal step, as it establishes the rights and responsibilities of a child’s biological father. In Illinois, two primary methods exist to establish parentage: a form referred to as the voluntary acknowledgment of paternity document (VAP) and DNA testing. Today, we will provide an overview of these options, enabling you to make an informed decision regarding how to best establish parentage in your situation. Contact a family law attorney for legal representation in your paternity matter to obtain the legal guidance you need.

What to Know About the Paternity Form

The VAP  form is a legal document that allows both parents to acknowledge the biological father of a child without the need for a DNA paternity test. It is typically completed at the time of the child’s birth or soon after. This form is a legally binding document that establishes paternity and once signed, it carries significant weight in court. 

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Here Are the Signs Your Spouse May Be Concealing Assets in an Illinois Divorce

 Posted on August 08, 2023 in Divorce

Joliet, IL asset division lawyerDivorce can be an emotionally challenging time, and it is essential to consider all aspects, including financial matters. In some cases, one spouse may attempt to conceal assets to gain an unfair advantage during the divorce proceedings. Recognizing signs of such behavior is crucial to protecting your rights and ensuring a fair division of marital property. Today, we will discuss some common signs that could indicate your spouse is concealing assets during your Illinois divorce. If you suspect your spouse is hiding assets from you, share this concern with your divorce lawyer so that steps can be taken to ensure your assets are protected and that an equitable distribution of property can be successfully attained. 

Sudden Changes in Financial Behavior

It could be a red flag if your spouse starts exhibiting unusual financial behavior, such as secretiveness about income, expenses, or investments. Look for sudden changes in their spending habits, unexplained expenses, or hidden accounts you were unaware of. Drastic alterations in financial behavior may indicate an attempt to hide assets. 

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What is Most Important to Know About the Income Shares Method in Calculating Illinois Child Support?

 Posted on July 25, 2023 in Child Support

Joliet, IL child support lawyerChild support is a critical aspect of divorce and separation cases as it ensures the financial well-being of a child after her parents break up. Each state has its own set of guidelines for calculating child support, and in the state of Illinois, the “income shares method” is used. 

Understanding key aspects of this method is crucial for both parents. In this blog, we will delve into the most important things to know about the income shares method and how it affects child support calculations in Illinois. For matters relating to this important issue, contact an experienced family law attorney to be your guide through this process and other important parts of your divorce.

Definition and Purpose of the Income Shares Method 

The income shares method is designed to estimate the amount of money that would have been available to support a child if her parents had continued living together. It assumes that both parents share financial responsibilities for a child, and that their incomes should be combined and allocated to support the child’s needs after the divorce. Each parent pays their fair share of child support, depending on how much money they make. 

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